When my daughter and I were mailing packages at a nearby post office this week, we got the chance to rescue yet another boonie pup. A sweet, little thing this time. Not knowing exactly what to do, we took her directly to GAIN (Guam Animals in Need). Luckily, this one's prognosis has turned out to be much better than the last one we "rescued".
This one only has a mangy skin condition, but nothing else apparently wrong. She's about 7 weeks old, friendly, playful, and just a bit timid. We have no idea how big she'll get or what she'll look like, but her personality seems just fine. As a bonus, our other rescue dog has met her and approves (well, as much as she can anyways). And things are looking good for us to be able to take her home and love her for life.
So the question is: was it fate that left this puppy within our reach? At a good time for me to spend some time training a puppy... at a time when we don't really have a 3rd pet, even though we could.... And in a place where we haven't rescued a pet yet...
In each place I've lived so far, I've been able to rescue one pet... Sunny, from Sun City, Arizona (moved to North Dakota and then Hawaii with us before passing away at an old age)... Maggie from Minot, North Dakota (who has since moved to Hawaii and now Guam)... Jack-Jack the amazing cat from Hickam AFB, Hawaii (you guessed it, now living in Guam with us)... So it's only fitting that our last official assignment in the Air Force would also bring us one last "rescue pet" to take back to Wisconsin with us next year.
And Guam happens to be a place that is most in need of loving hearts to care for all these "boonie dogs" as they call them, growing up on the streets, scrapping for food, hanging out in wild packs, getting hit by cars.... This place is almost too much for a soft, puppy heart such as my own: it breaks a little more every time we drive down the road and see the bodies off to the side. Thank goodness this sweet little girl came to me instead of running! And if anyone wants to find out more about adopting these dogs, visit: http://www.guamanimals.org/index.html